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Security Policy


This Security Policy (hereafter referred to as "this policy") defines the basic policy related to information security, in order for HAX Tokyo to affirm the proper management of information as an important management issue and to ensure information security.

2.Release of Security Policy and Other information
HAX Tokyo, having a mission to provide acceleration services in a safe and stable manner, shall strive to earn the trust of its customers and related parties by handling of customer information and confidential corporate information securely as well as consistently taking appropriate precautionary measures against information leak risks. For this porpose, HAX Tokyo releases this policy both internally and externally, and declares its intent to comply with this policy.

3.Scope of Application

All HAX Tokyo employees, executives, and temporary personnel shall comply with this policy and the Privacy Policy

4.Information Security Management System

In order to protect and appropriately manage all of its information assets, HAX Tokyo shall regularly hold meetings of its Information Security Committee, which is comprised of top executives, and shall maintain a system that monitors the state of information security management at a company-wide level and allows prompt implementation of any security measures deemed necessary by risk analysis.

5. Implementation of Information Security Measures

HAX Tokyo shall establish an appropriate information security system and implement physical, technological, operational, administrative, and human measures to prevent incidents involving information assets, such as unauthorized access, data destruction, information leaks, and falsification. HAX Tokyo shall also implement incident response measures that, in the event of an information security breach, provide a quick recovery and solution to problems and maintain the high reliability and continuity of HAX Tokyo's telecommunications business operations.

6.Establishment of Internal Regulations on Information Security
HAX Tokyo shall establish internal regulations based on this policy and the Privacy Policy (see separate document) and thoroughly familiarize employees with the company´s clearly defined policies and rules in order to appropriately manage its information assets.

7. Implementation of Information Security Education

HAX Tokyo shall make efforts to improve the information security literacy of all employees and related parties, and shall continuously implement information security education and training to ensure the appropriate management of HAX Tokyo's information assets.

8.  Implementation of Proper Management of Contractors

When operations are contracted in full or in part to outside companies, HAX Tokyo shall thoroughly screen the contractors to ensure competence and shall require, by contract and other means, that they maintain a level of security matching that of HAX Tokyo. In addition, to verify that this level of security is maintained, HAX Tokyo shall regularly audit contractors and review the management system.

9. Compliance with Laws and Regulations

HAX Tokyo shall endeavor to comply fully with all applicable laws and regulations, as well as rules and regulations defined by the company, and shall make every effort to appropriately manage information by severely punishing any violations.

10.Internal Auditing of Information Security
HAX Tokyo shall conduct regular and irregular internal information security audits to confirm that business operations comply with information security laws and regulations, as well as rules and regulations defined by the company, and to verify the effective functioning of the information security system.

11. Implementation of Continuous Improvement


HAX Tokyo will continuously implement improvements to information security by monitoring 2-10 policies above.

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